P.O. Box 441
Concord, MA 01742

There are five ways in which you can help:

  1. Participate in current Action Alerts
  2. Become a member
  3. Hand out leaflets at Hanscom Field
  4. Help us out
  5. Write and phone

Become a Member

Your tax-deductible donation is a critical investment in the preservation of this historic area. Please select a membership level and send your check to: ShhAir, P.O. Box 441, Concord, MA 01742.

Member $ 25-49
Friend $ 50-99
Patron $100-249
Benefactor $250-499
Guardian Angel $500+

We will send you periodic mailings keeping you up-to-date on the issues. You can also contact if you would like to join the ShhAir e-mail list. Please send your name, snail mail address, and email address.


We periodically hand out informational leaflets to commercial and corporate jet passengers at Hanscom Field.  We picket, peacefully, in small groups.  Contact

Help Us Out

Can you help? Please email us at with your areas of interest or expertise.

Write or Phone


Write, call, fax, or email Senators Kerry and Kennedy (or your local Congressmen) and Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton asking them to act to save these historic towns and the National Park, which belongs to the whole nation.

And write, call, fax, or email Governor Romney asking him to control Massport and stop this disgraceful devastation of the sixth biggest tourist destination in the state.

Senator Edward M. Kennedy
2400 JFK Federal Building 1
Boston, MA 02203

(617) 565-3170 (voice)
(617) 565-3183 (fax)

Senator John F. Kerry
Bowdoin Sq., 10th Floor

Boston, MA 02114

(617) 565-8519 (voice)
(617) 248-3870 (fax)
Gale Norton, Secretary of the Interior
U.S. Department of the Interior

1849 C. Street NW
Washington, DC 20240
(202) 208-5048 (fax)
Governor Mitt Romney
State House
Boston, MA 02133
(617) 727-6250 (voice)
(617) 727-9725 (fax)

NOISE COMPLAINTS - To complain about a loud flight, you can

  1. Call Massport's noise complaint line at 781-869-8050
  2. Fax Massport at 781-274-8075
  3. Email
  4. Or fill out this online noise report form

If you want a response, be sure to include your name and address. Responses cannot be emailed.

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