March meeting of HFAC: The next meeting of HFAC will be held on March 17, 2009 in the Selectmen's Meeting Room on
the second floor of the Town Office Building at 1625 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington. [Directions]
The highlight of the meeting will be the State of Hanscom presentation by Barbara Patzner. [PDF]
The minutes from the last meeting (Feb 2009) [PDF]
Informal notes from the last meeting may be found here.
Public Information Meeting regarding Bedford-Hanscom Field’s Hangar 24. [PDF]
Thursday, July 17, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Bemis Hall 15 Bedford Street Lincoln, MA
HFAC meets
on the third Tuesday of every month except August at 7:30 pm in Room G-15 of
the Lexington Town Office Building, which is located at 1625 Massachusetts
Avenue in Lexington.
HATS usually meets on
the fourth Thursday of every month except August at 7:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room of the Bedford
Town Hall.