September 2010: The 2009 Annual Noise report, which will be discussed at the September 21st HFAC meeting, is now available for review on the Massport web site The direct link to the document is: or you can see it here.
March 2009: Massport's State of Hanscom report that will be presented at the HFAC meeting on March 16. (PDF document)
Oct 2008: Hanscom Field Advisory Commission's 2007 Annual Noise Report: (PDF document) (55 pages, color)
7/14/2008: America's Five Quietest and Five Noisiest National Parks
4/10/08 DEP Wetland Variance Decision (PDF document)
2/18/05 Massport: Proposed scope (MS Word or PDF) and schedule for the L.G. Hanscom Field 2005 Environmental Planning & Status Report (ESPR).
Massport's 2000 Environmental Study and Planning Report (ESPR) for Hanscom Field and related documents, including public comment presentations and the Certificate from the EOEA.
4/15/03 Massport: Hanscom Field Deicing Study.
10/7/02 Cornell, NY Times, Times Ledger, Science Daily: Excessive aircraft noise impairs children's reading ability and long-term memory. After Munich moved its airport in 1992, scores on reading and memory tests went up near the old airport and down near the new one, a recently published study reports.
9/28/02 Globe and Mail: Airplanes may be the great neglected culprit in pollution and global warming.
11/13/01 Sydney Morning Herald, Reuters: Aircraft noise may increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease even among people who live miles from airports, according to a Swedish study.
1/21/01 London Times: Living near an airport may lead to a higher cancer risk.
Winter 2000 Earth Island Journal: a fascinating and frightening article on the poison circle around airports.
2/22/00 GAO: GAO study links aircraft emissions to global warming.