Hanscom Warrant Articles

Passed in 1997 Town Meetings in Lexington, Lincoln and Concord

Passed in 1998 Town Meeting in Bedford

 1. Article on Goals:

 Lexington's article wording (Article 36):

To see if the Town will vote to adopt a set of goals as filed with the Town Clerk in order to guide the actions of the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Board, and other town officials in dealing with issues relating to the future use and development of Hanscom Field by the Massachusetts Port Authority; or act in any other manner in relation there to:

 Motion: I move that the following goals be adopted by this Town Meeting, in order to guide, etc.

 Concord's Article wording (Article #53):

To see if the town will vote to adopt a set of goals regarding the protection of the community, these goals to be used by the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Board, and other town officials in dealing with issues relating to the future use and development of Hanscom Field by the Massachusetts Port Authority, or take any other action relative there to.

 Motion: Move to adopt a set of goals to be used by the Board of Selectmen, the Planning Board and other town officials in dealing with issues relating to the future use and development of Hanscom Field by the Massachusetts Port Authority. These goals being:


 1.  To protect the national historical and cultural heritage of this area, recognizing that our towns are the nation's birthplace and as such have a unique and higher responsibility in addition to the normal municipal and commercial interests and claims.

 2. To protect the character and quality of life of Lexington (Concord, Lincoln).

 3. To prevent the increased noise, ground traffic and environmental pollution that would result from land development, the expansion of air traffic at Hanscom Field or changes in the character and use of the airport.

 4.  To protect our town and our residents from any significant financial costs or loss of economic opportunity caused by land development or aviation operations at Hanscom Field.

 5. To ensure that Lexington (Concord, Lincoln) is recognized as a town that is affected by any land development at Hanscom Field, no matter in which community that development takes place, and is thus subject to the land use policy statement of Massport's Master Plan for Hanscom Field.

 6. To work diligently to mitigate the impact of existing Hanscom-related noise and ground traffic conditions in our area.

 7. To negotiate a binding agreement with Massport which would ensure full and equal participation by the towns in any and all decisions that could result in aviation or other expansion, development, or changes in the character or use of Hanscom Field.


 2. Article on Town Meeting's role in agreements between the towns and Massport:

 Lexington's article wording (Article 38):

To see if the Town will vote to recommend that the Board of Selectmen present for approval by Town Meeting agreements concerning plans for aviation and non-aviation development or changes relating to L.G. Hanscom Field and surrounding land owned by the Massachusetts Port Authority; determine the process for such approvals; advise the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board in this manner; or act in any other manner in relation thereto.

 Motion:  I move that the following apply to all future developments at Hanscom Field:

            1.  That the HATS representatives and/or the Board of Selectmen report back to the Town Meeting or the Town Meeting Members Association Executive Committee on an on-going basis as to the activities HATS is engaged in regarding Hanscom Field.

            2. That any agreement between HATS and/or the Board of Selectmen and Massport on specific non-aviation or aviation-enhancing proposals at Hanscom Field be presented to Town Meeting for approval.

            3. That it is the view of Town Meeting that Massport should conform to local zoning regulations with respect to any development at Hanscom Field.


 Concord's article wording (Article 54)

To see if the Town will vote to recommend that the Board of Selectmen present for consideration by Town Meeting any substantive agreements concerning plans for aviation or non-aviation development or changes relating to Hanscom Field and surrounding land owned by the Massachusetts Port Authority, or take any other action thereto.

 Motion: Move for recommendation to the Board of Selectmen that they include a provision for ratification by the Town Meeting in any written agreements concerning either plans for aviation or non-aviation development or changes relating to Hanscom Field and surrounding land owned by the Massachusetts Port Authority.

 Financial Article

            To see if the Town will appropriate a sum of money for planning consultants and legal counsel to protect the Town's interest in connection with the future use and development of Hanscom Field; or act in any other manner in relation thereto.